Wednesday, December 3, 2008


1.When we speak of marquee, We talk about loop, because Loop is the number of loops of the word in the html you’ve worked.

2.When we speak of marquee, We talk about Direction, because Direction is the movements of the fonts in the html.

3.When we speak of marquee, We talk about width, because this is a size of the text.

4.When we speak of marquee, We talk about height, because this is the height of the text.

5.When we speak of marquee, We talk about bgcolor, because this is a color of a background.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

i've learned......Journal #1

Today i learned that internet explorer is a world wide collection of networks, gateways, servers, and computers using a common set of telecommunications protocols to link them together.And i learned that chat is a virtual community where people from all over the world can communicate on-line by exchanging text data at almost real-time.

Thursday, November 6, 2008



  1. I saw sign up at and i find it interesting. sign up means to register an account on a website.
  2. I saw sign in at and i find it interesting. sign in means to log in an account in a website.
  3. I saw sign out at and i find it interesting. sign out means to log out an account in a website.
  4. I saw search at and i find it interesting .search means to search information about anything you want.
  5. I saw download at and i find it interesting. download means to save a file on your cmputer.
  6. I saw upload at and i find it interesting. upload means to upload a photo on your profile.
  7. I saw home at and i find it interesting. home means to go back to the main page of the website.
  8. I saw drafts at and i find it interesting. draft means a message that ussually wrote in scratch.
  9. I saw check mail at i find it interesting. check mail means to check a mail in your inbox.
  10. I saw layout at i find it interesting. layout means to change the appearance of the account.